Tuesday, May 24, 2011

No Crime Here

Ray Lewis, who has no business talking about crime, recently made ignorant comments stating that if the NFL has a season long lock-out, crime will rise, as "there is nothing else to do."  Nothing else to do?  How about doing something positive, Ray?  Nice article in the Denver Post about Broncos safety David Bruton who is using his political science degree from the University of Notre Dame to make $90 a day as a substitute teacher in his hometown of Miamisburg, Ohio.

Ray Lewis played for the Miami Hurricanes.  David Bruton went to Notre Dame.  There's a reason these shirts were made back in the late 80's...

1 comment:

Danno said...

Bruce Matthews, NFL Hall of Famer, was a substitute math teacher at Elkins High School in Missouri City, TX. Booyah.