It's Chip McDivot's show this week as my 50% share hold in GM is on vacation in Ireland. I will be keeping up on the sports world through the BBC whose coverage is delightfully soccer and rugby heavy and not quite as condescendingly chipper like our friends at Sportscenter.
Great article about SEAL Team 6, the special ops unit that conducted the raid on Bin Laden's compound. Some great snippets in case you don't have the time:
Col. W. Patrick Lang, a retired Special Forces officer with extensive operational experience throughout the Muslim world, described JSOC’s forces as “sort of like Murder, Incorporated.” He told The Nation: “Their business is killing Al Qaeda personnel. That’s their business. They’re not in the business of converting anybody to our goals or anything like that.” Shortly after the operation was made public, retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey called JSOC’s operators the “most dangerous people on the face of the earth.”
An all around great day on the home front yesterday and did not want to pass up the opportunity to post one of my favorite videos of all time. Pure gold. God bless America:
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