Thursday, June 23, 2011

Excruciating Pain

Fantastic SportsCenter commercial out right now. 

If you're a huge soccer fan and take offense to this commercial or try to defend this part of the game, you're the exact reason why soccer has never really taken off in America.  We love hard hits in football, posterizing dunks in basketball, huge home runs in baseball and aggressive checks against the boards in hockey.  We love BBQ ribs, cold beers and loud music.  We don't like athletes faking injuries.  Basketball players may "flop" for charges, but they get up right away without making a scene.  Football and hockey?  Don't even compare...those guys are getting concussions and having a hard time even walking after retiring.

Until that part of the game goes away or soccer can even admit it's a stupid part of the game, I'll continue to watch The Office reruns on TBS instead of any MLS game on ESPN.

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